
fuck you

pe 20 aprilie, lily allen a lansat cel de-al treilea extras pe single, fuck you, de pe ultimul sau album. single-ul urca in topuri constant, ajungand no. 1 in dutch singles chart.

o mostra din minunatele-i versuri:

Look inside your tiny mind, then look a bit harder
'Cos we're so uninspired, so sick and tired of all the hatred you harbour
So you say it's not OK to be gay, well I think you're just evil
You're just some racist who can't tie my laces, your point of view is medieval
Fuck you, fuck you very much
'Cos we hate what you do and we hate your whole crew, so please don't stay in touch.

piesa a fost facuta cunoscuta , in 2008, pe blogul myspace intretinut de lily. a purtat mai multe titiluri, inclusiv GWB, coicidenta, initialele lui george w. bush.  lily a precizat insa ca inspiratia a fost alta, aripa de dreapta, homofoba, a partidului national britanic.

"This song is not a direct attack at anyone, it was originally written about the BNP in the UK but then I felt this issue has become relevant pretty much everywhere, we are the youth, we can make coolness for our future, its up to us. Go green and hate hate" Myspace

piesa are toate sansele sa devina un imn, un raspuns vesel la ura homofoba. youtube-rii au lansat deja un colaj foarte simpatic. la initiativa lui steviebeebishop , 23 de personagii, inclusiv mama lui stevie, s-au raliat pentru un video de zile mari. voila: 


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